17 May 2023

To the attention of South America Suppliers - Alternative Contacts

CNH Industrial CX Program


Subject: Improving communication between CNH Industrial and suppliers


Dear valued supplier,

CNH Industrial, in its effort to improve relations with its commercial partners and customers, has collected ideas from NPS (Net Promoter Score) tool. NPS has consolidated suggestions and points to improve from the whole chain (customers, suppliers, internals), thus allowing us to improve our practices.

In line with the results of this research, we've identified opportunities to improve the aspects of communication between the parties.


As part of actions we've decided to implement, we would like to share our alternative interfaces for the main CNH Industrial South America divisions. These people may be contacted to deal with general issues related to the responsibility of their departments.


To get access to this list, go through CNH Industrial Supplier Portal, https://supplier.cnhind.com .

 You will find the contacts list at: Documents>> Purchasing>> Communication Guidelines for Suppliers>> Alternative CNH Industrial South America contacts.


Important notes:

 1. The contacts we are disclosing are alternative channels.

 Make sure to use these contacts ONLY when experiencing difficulties with the usual channels.

 2. Contacts we are now offering do not overlap any of the primary channels, already indicated on the CNH Industrial Suppliers Portal.


We hope that we have contributed to the improvement of our relations.

 We also take this opportunity to thank everyone who has contributed to the NPS survey. Your comments will certainly collaborate to increase the competitiveness of both companies.


This is just the first step in improving our relationship. Stay tuned for new communications from CNH Industrial.


Purchasing CX Team